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Our articles are meant to share ideas that are practical, actionable, and easy to read without too much financial jargon. 

Tariffs and the Stock Market: A Delicate Balancing Act Thumbnail

Tariffs and the Stock Market: A Delicate Balancing Act

The imposition of tariffs, essentially taxes on imported goods, is a frequently used tool in international trade. Imagine a toll booth on a highway. Cars representing imported goods must pay a toll (the tariff) to enter the country. This makes it more expensive to bring those goods into the country, encouraging people to use domestically produced goods (cars already on the highway).

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Elmwood Wealth: 2025 Market Outlook Thumbnail

Elmwood Wealth: 2025 Market Outlook

We enter the new year with several investment themes that stand out and will help shape our investment strategy moving forward. Though there are additional factors to take into consideration, we feel these noted below have the potential to be the most impactful on 2025 investment returns. Executive Summary: 1) Domestic stock markets look poised for positive gains again in 2025. The most attractive returns we expect will revolve around a more diverse set of companies, particularly those that are smaller in size.

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The Gift Of Flexibility Thumbnail

The Gift Of Flexibility

If you’re looking to give back and maximize tax benefits, but also want some flexibility in where and when your donations go, a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) account might be the perfect tool for you. Think of it as a charitable giving account with a little more control and a few perks.

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Don’t Drop The Ball Before The End of The Year Thumbnail

Don’t Drop The Ball Before The End of The Year

As pumpkins and falling leaves lead us into the last quarter of the year, it’s time to check in on your finances to ensure you’re on track, as well as make smart adjustments for the new year. #1 – Maximize your retirement contributions. Review your YTD contributions and consider maxing out your 401k or 403b, contributions prior to year-end.

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Market and Newsletter Update Thumbnail

Market and Newsletter Update

As we return from the long Labor Day weekend, the image of a school of fish is stuck in our heads. One small twitch left or right, and the full school immediately pivots to follow in that same direction. Investors were flooded over the past few days with articles that reminded us of how volatile the month of September is in the stock market.

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