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Our articles are meant to share ideas that are practical, actionable, and easy to read without too much financial jargon. 

Retirement Planning for The Decades Thumbnail

Retirement Planning for The Decades

Whether you're just starting your career or nearing the golden years, planning for retirement is a journey that evolves over time. Here are some general guidelines that you can put in place at every age to prepare for retirement. In your 20’s, retirement can seem distant, but it’s the perfect time to establish good financial habits.

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Homeowner's insurance Thumbnail

Homeowner's insurance

Go to any block party or neighborhood gathering in California, and the topic of Homeowner’s Insurance is likely to come up. The market here is currently facing a series of challenges that are affecting affordability and availability for both current ...

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Cyber Security  - Phishing Thumbnail

Cyber Security - Phishing

In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, safeguarding our digital identities has become paramount. In recent years cybercrime has been on the rise and has become much more sophisticated.

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Cash Is (NOT) King Thumbnail

Cash Is (NOT) King

Historically the role of cash in an investors’ portfolio has been to provide safety and liquidity. It has always been prudent to maintain a reasonable cash balance to account for large, unexpected expenses ...

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